Publisert 14. november, 2023Konferanse, Nyhet
Save the date! 13th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry

7.-8.11.2024 Kraków, Poland ICE Congress Centre
We invite psychiatrists, practitioners, psychiatric mental health nurses, psychologists, health scientists, educators, trainers, researchers, managers, and policymakers engaged in the prevention, management, research into violence and aggression in mental health and intellectual disability settings to submit an abstract and / or attend the 13th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry to be held in 7.-8.11.2024 Kraków, Poland ICE Congress Centre.
The themes of the congress:
- Epidemiology and nature of violence against staff in mental health
- Epidemiology and nature of violence against patients / victimisation
- Violence prevention, care, and treatment
- Trauma informed practice
- Assessment of risk, prevention, and protective factors
- Humane safe and caring approaches to coercive practices
- Neurobiological and pharmacological interventions
- Psychosocial interventions
- Service users and family perspectives
- Intersectional perspectives (gender, race, culture, and ethnicity)
- Ethical, human rights and legal perspectives
- Sexual offending violence
- Specific populations: forensics
- Specific populations: intellectually disabled / learning disabilities
- Specific populations: children and adolescents
- Specific populations: older persons and those living with dementia
- Specific populations: community and outreach care
- Specific populations: displaced people
- Specific populations: psychiatric patients in emergency services
- Staff training and education
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