Understanding recidivism: Narratives of persons re-imprisoned for sexual offences
Christine Friestad - Prosjektleder, Thomas Ugelvik (Lokalt ansvarlig), Ingeborg Jenssen Sandbukt - Prosjektdeltaker
- Region:
- SIFER Sør-Øst
- Status:
- Start / slutt:
- 2021 / 2024
- Forskningsansvarlig:
- Oslo universitetssykehus HF
- Prosjektnummer:
- 2497267
- Fagområde:
- Temaer:
- Cristin:
- https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=2497267
Persons convicted of sexual crimes represent a heterogeneous group, differing both in terms of committed crimes, and risk of recidivism (Hanson et al., 2017). So far, research on recidivism has been conducted mainly within a quantitative research paradigm. In-depth qualitative research is scarce in this field and highly needed in order to understand the uniquely individual aspects of sex crime recidivism.
The overarching question this study aims to answer is:
How do persons who have been reconvicted of new sexual offenses understand their own reoffending, and what factors do they themselves consider relevant for understanding recidivism?