Systematic review of the qualitative literature on personal recovery for forensic mental health patients
Mette Senneseth - Prosjektleder,Prosjektdeltaker, Charlotte Pollak (Prosjektdeltaker), Ragnar Urheim - Prosjektdeltaker, Caroline Logan (Prosjektdeltaker), Tom Palmstierna - Prosjektdeltaker,Prosjektdeltaker
- Region:
- SIFER Vest
- Status:
- Start / slutt:
- 2019 / 2021
- Forskningsansvarlig:
- Helse Bergen HF - Haukeland universitetssykehus
- Prosjektnummer:
- 2496741
- Fagområde:
- Temaer:
- Cristin:
The present study is a systematic review and narrative synthesis of the existing qualitative literature on the key elements of personal recovery for forensic mental health patients. The review is registered in PROSPERO, registration number CRD42019128380.
The study aims to undertake a review of the literature that defines personal recovery for forensic mental health patients. Subsequently, the study aims to analyze the findings within the established CHIME framework for personal recovery in mental illness in general psychiatric populations. Moreover, the study will seek to expand and adapt the CHIME framework to fit forensic mental health patients.
We have the following research questions:
- What are the emerging themes for personal recovery for forensic mental health patients?
- Does the themes fit in the CHIME framework for personal recovery?
- Are there themes that are not covered by the CHIME framework?