Publisert 20. mai, 2015
Last call for abstracts on Sunday, 10. May!
On behalf of the scientific committee we would like to invite all professionals within the field of forensic psychiatry to submit an abstract to the 11th Nordic Symposium on Forensic Psychiatry
Abstracts can be submitted for either:
- an oral paper presentation (20 minutes plus 5 mins for discussion and questions) (maximum of 250 words).
- a poster (maximum of 250 words).
Scientific abstracts should be structured as follows:
- Type of abstract (oral paper or poster)
- Background (maximum of two sentences to provide the rationale for study)
- Aims
- Methods (to include design, sample, measures and procedures)
- Results (to include how data were analysed and the key findings)
- Conclusions/learning outcome
Please submit your abstract as an email attachment, preferably in pdf-format to:
NB! Abstract submission deadline is extended to 10. May 2015
Eksterne lenker:
Sist oppdatert den 20. May 2015 av Christian Lauvrud
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