Fagmøte om bruk av isolasjon og sikkerhetssenger

Fagmøte om bruk av isolasjon og sikkerhets-senger ved dr. Sharon Shalev fra Oxford universitetet
Hun besøkte forskergruppen ULTPEN (ULTPEN – Indefinite preventive detention: The Implementation and Impact of the ULTimate PENalty in Norway) som ved SIFER Midt består av dr Catherine Amelia Appleton, dr Hilde Dahl, og professor Richard Whittington .
Prosjektet har også samarbeid med KRUS og NTNU
Besøket i Trondheim innbefattet både en omvisning ved regional sikkerhetsavdeling, samt et besøk på alle avdelinger ved Trondheim fengsel.
Tirsdag 3.oktober hadde Shalev en presentasjon på SIFER Midt sitt fagmøte, og hvor vi også hadde invitert til digital deltakelse.
Fra Sharon Shalev’s biografi:
Solitary confinement and other restrictive practices: uses, consequences, reforms and alternatives.
Dr Sharon Shalev, Trondheim, October 3rd, 2023
Solitary confinement, isolation and seclusion are some of the terms used to describe what is essentially the same practice: a person locked up alone in a small room or cell which they cannot freely leave, and where they spend 22-24 hours a day away from others, with few personal belongings and very little to do. Despite well documented adverse effects, it is widely used in prisons and in psychiatric facilities, sometimes alongside other measures of restraint.
This presentation will examine how, when, and why solitary confinement is used, drawing on my studies in different jurisdictions. I will review some of its documented health effects and examine what human rights law says about the practice. I will conclude by briefly discussing recent developments and strategies to reduce the use of solitary confinement.
Sharon Shalev (LLM, PhD) is an international expert on the uses and consequences of solitary confinement and other restrictive practices and works as an independent consultant in these areas. She is Research Associate at the Centre for Criminology at Oxford University and a member of the NPM Observatory. She manages the informational website www.solitaryconfinement.org and has published widely on the subject of solitary confinement, include the influential Sourcebook on Solitary Confinement – a guide for practitioners on the health effects of solitary confinement and the legal framework and international human rights standards regulating its use; a book on the US ‘Supermax’ prisons, and; independent research reports on solitary confinement practices in various countries including England and Wales , New Zealand and the Netherlands.
Email: Sharon.shalev@solitaryconfinement.org
Telephone: +44 (0) 7967 743535
Website: www.SolitaryConfinement.org
Twitter: @solitary_org
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-shalev/